The Crew
The Crew
Nelco Landscaping was founded in 2006 by Brian Nelson as a design/build firm. The company got its name from Nelco Co. which was owned by Brian’s close mentor and grandfather Lowel Oscar Nelson who passed away in 2004. The first few years of Nelco Landscaping were spent developing the culture of what the company would stand on in the landscape field. This culture relied heavily on the use of natural elements such as natural stone and native plantings. Through working conjointly with local nonprofit organizations specializing in best management practices for stormwater management the firm, found another integral environmental piece to this culture. In recent years Nelco Landscaping has established itself with several architects and landscape architects to create award winning projects.
"I am by nature a perfectionist and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands" Howard Hewes.